Ant Da Ripper recently released his newest single, FBHLMPMS, earlier this month in anticipation of his second studio album. The title stands for “Fuck Being Humble, Let Me Pop My Shit,” which is, frankly, a message I can get behind. The Georgia-based rapper is in total control of his flow, and each line hits hard. He’s proud of all his work and how far he’s come, so why should that be kept in the dark? Ant Da Ripper is here to celebrate.

The song was mixed by Full Moon Studios and has the quality of some big-name producers. The beat is solid, with really interesting chime accents that float in and out. This accents caught my ear immediately, and it made the track unique. The beat strategically drops out and comes back in throughout to highlight different aspects of Ant’s song. His vocals manage to be the focal point for the entire track.

 Despite the message of the lyrics, the video itself is actually a bit humble. Ant is dressed to the nines, but the background environment is chill. Nothing is over the top or flashy, which very smartly keeps the focus on Ant and his lyrics. It proves that he’s comfortable in himself and his ability and doesn’t need to hide behind any gimmicks. He can get the message across just as he is. The video, shot by Brandon Bryant, ends with two men putting a coat on Ant Da Ripper while he stares down the camera – a total power move.

FBHLMPMS strong single, and hopefully sets the tone for the rest of his work when he releases the album.

Photo via https://music.apple.com/us/album/fbhlmpms-single/1605349528

Photo via https://www.instagram.com/mmr_ripper/


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